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Farmers Making It Rain

Laura Farms
618K Subscribers

8.02pm - Thursday 18th July 2024 561,909

Today on the farm: we get two pivots started and we replace a bad booster pump! Laura gets wet and carries a ladder, Grant steals a battery, Gage hauls the heavy things around. We all love UMC, their products, and making videos for you guys! It makes the days go fast. Pepper the cat says hi to everyone, she's very busy catching mice right now. Thank you so much for watching today's video, and we'll see you in the next one :) Sweet corn update coming soon. (Re uploaded to fix a sound issue! Thank you for your patience)

Check out Laura Farms clothing line here !!
Universal Motion Components, Innovating Pivot Irrigation Powertrain parts since 1978
Chief Industries: A Nebraska-based, family owned company comprised of 7 diverse brands.

Some of our favorites: - use code laurafarms for 10% off your purchase!! - for all your fuel trailer needs - where we got the tires for our tractor!

Send me your favorite snacks!! Or stickers! Or letters!! Or things that are special to where you're from!! I love it all. :)
Laura Farms
PO Box 536
Aurora, NE 68818

*For business/collaboration inquiries*

Here's where else you can find me!
Facebook - Laura Farms
Instagram- @laura_farms
Twitter- @laurafarms_
Tik Tok - @laurafarms

Categories Arable, Beef
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