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Major Damage to the T.8 Tomcat

10.36pm - Monday 8th August 2022 7,285

Well we attempted to take the T.8 Tomcat down to Freeport to pull.. and it didn't make it. We were looking it over before firing it up for the pull and noticed the main bearings were out because the filter was full of bearing material. We took it home and will be back in action for Warren!

Before we went to the pull Mason spent the day Air Flowing some hay and Avery tendered Brandon in the sprayer.

Equipment used:
Challenger Airflow
New Holland SP.310 Sprayer
Pro Stock Tractor - T.8 Tomcat
@NewHollandAG @NewHollandNA

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Avery's Instagram:
Mason's Instagram:

We are New Age Custom Farming - a custom farming operation located in south-central Wisconsin. We custom farm corn, soybean and other forages, custom-raise heifers and have a herd of beef steers on our sixth-generation farm. From field to fork, we want to be a trusted resource for modern farming. We are your farmer friends - and are here to answer any questions you have!

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